Blitz (152/213)

From:Neil Bullock
Date:25 May 2000 at 12:25:44
Subject:Re: Crashing

> I've had that before, but I can't remember what caused it</useless>.


Actually, having sent that mail, it seems that if I make an executable out
of the program a few times instead of running from the editor, then run from
the editor, it works fine.

> I think in my case it was some code I had written not freeing memory
> and perhaps freeing it twice. What's your code doing? Use any
> libs?

Nope. Basically, it's doing a lot of messing about with GTLists, attaching,
detaching several times (the user can add and remove gadgets from the
window, you see). I guess it could quite easily be some sort of memory
freeing problem.

> Did it work on UAE and now you are running on a real Amiga? Or perhaps
> versa?

Not tried it on UAE, so no. I would, but it's so unbelievably slow here,
that it's not really worth it :) (slow PC :)


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